Thursday 13 November 2014

On 16:37 by Unknown   No comments
Hello, how are you? today I will talk them about caring for the environment. Today the theme of caring for the environment is an issue that is discussed much, especially in instances like Parliament where laws are enacted that may affect this situation. However, people in Chile are not very familiar with practices that help protect the environment. They are practices that today only broadcast and performed in social class higher, while the bulk of the population is rather ignorant of this topic.

Trying to teach the environment-friendly practices mainly in the school, but these efforts are often very effective. Inside my house I don't recycle, mainly because not spent long in my home, but I am involved in a group of recycling in my old high school, which every year is prepared to compete in a contest of the Lollapalooza festival that invites to recyclers to the event.

Mainly I move around the city by car, because I live very far from Santiago. It is difficult in a city so large to move only on foot or by bike. That make on the issue of the environment in the city, I think that it is necessary to spread the practices of caring for the environment in the lower sectors of society, since these are not having access to the information and about the damage that occurs daily in the environment.


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