Thursday 20 November 2014

On 18:23 by Unknown   2 comments
Hello. How are you? Today I'll talk about my experience learning English at university. This year I joined the career of sociology at the Universidad de Chile, and had that you filing the first half level 3 English and this second half of level 4. If I can finish this 4 English have passed levels required by the University J

Learning English at the University is very different to doing in school, mainly because the activities carried out are more entertaining and motivate more than the logical school. The method of blogs is an entertaining way to learn above all because it is possible to interact with the other companions of the course through the internet platform (and we can talk about issues that are motivating, at least for me).

I think that the main aspect that I must improve my English is oral rather than written communication ability. I think I have some flaws in that area, but I'm not sad because I know that if I practice constantly I can improve. In addition I am going to start reading texts in English to increase my vocabulary and begin to get used to assemble sentences in English.

Out of English class used English much to read some texts that are not translated, to understand most of the music I hear on English and playing video games.  I hope to use it in the next courses in the career to read various articles or texts that are not translated to the Spanish

Well this has been everything for today. Good bye!

Thursday 13 November 2014

On 17:37 by Unknown   2 comments

Hello, are you? Today will talk them about the good and bad points that I lived this 2014.

One of the best things that ever happened in this year was to have entered the University to study the career I wanted to: sociology. I was very difficult to think to be studying this race, as much score I needed to enter due to the low mi NEM and Raking, but despite everything I did very well and today I can say that it has been one of the best decisions I ever made in my life and study sociology.

One of the low points that I lived this year was have me away from my friends in high school because of the responsibilities of the University. During the year also I tried to change that by joining me more with them, but anyway is not the same relationship we had before.

I think the greatest achievement I have lived this year was having both finished the first half (and I hope also the second) with very good grades. This in the future are going to allow you to apply for scholarships with which to pay part of the expenses I generated by having to study a university career.

I think that something that I did not this year, which I intend to do next, is to participate more actively in policy within the University. I think that this year not I organized with my colleagues the best way to try to mobilize the career.

Something that I would like to point out is that I am very happy living with my grandmother in Santiago. Moving every day of San Bernardo to the University I much complicated. But since I live with my grandmother has been much simplified me life and I study better task (and I even have more time for extra activities).
On 17:13 by Unknown   1 comment
Hello, Today I will talk about them on my guitars.

I learned to play guitar at age 12, I am not a teacher but I approve of the basic techniques. I know enough to improvise in a campfire or at a party. I have 3 guitars: the first is called Caro, the second is called Lucy and the third is called Violeta.

Caro was my first guitar, an acoustic guitar that I gave my godfather at the age of 11.  It has feature have stuck in your body patches of my favorite metal bands, and also a few hatchings. Furthermore has a tissue on the bridge of the guitar where the logo of one of my favorite bands: Slayer.

Lucy was the second guitar to my life. My dad bought me after years of insistence. Lucy is a electric guitar mark Washburn, one of their more basic models. It has a great meaning for me because it was the guitar that I learned the majority of songs and techniques I know. He was the guitar that has accompanied me on most of the bands in which I have been. So today is the guitar that I've been to all the gigs and joints where I play with my friends (despite the fact that is already very old and in poor condition).

The third guitar and last I reach my life was Violeta. This guitar is very special to me, because I found it bounced in the trash. Yes, although they do not create it, I found it one day that was way to high school in a trash can. Out of that place and fix it, so much that I went to a friend who is artist to paint it and stay beautiful.

On 16:37 by Unknown   No comments
Hello, how are you? today I will talk them about caring for the environment. Today the theme of caring for the environment is an issue that is discussed much, especially in instances like Parliament where laws are enacted that may affect this situation. However, people in Chile are not very familiar with practices that help protect the environment. They are practices that today only broadcast and performed in social class higher, while the bulk of the population is rather ignorant of this topic.

Trying to teach the environment-friendly practices mainly in the school, but these efforts are often very effective. Inside my house I don't recycle, mainly because not spent long in my home, but I am involved in a group of recycling in my old high school, which every year is prepared to compete in a contest of the Lollapalooza festival that invites to recyclers to the event.

Mainly I move around the city by car, because I live very far from Santiago. It is difficult in a city so large to move only on foot or by bike. That make on the issue of the environment in the city, I think that it is necessary to spread the practices of caring for the environment in the lower sectors of society, since these are not having access to the information and about the damage that occurs daily in the environment.

Sunday 12 October 2014

On 19:09 by Unknown   No comments
Hello guys! Today I’m going to talk about my future job. Actually, I’m studying Sociology at Universidad de Chile, and this is what I’m thinking about my future:
I’m thinking to work like an academy in the university or in an ONG. I love this kind of job, because I like the investigation. I imagine the job, like a mix, with teaching and investigated.
I want to work outdoor and indoor, because investigators not only have to work in an office, almost have to investigate outside. I really don’t have problem working in an office, but I think, it’s necessary to work outside too.
I dream to travel a lot in my job, know new countries and learn more about oriental society. I hope to travel without pay, because I really hope my job pay for that.
I’m thinking of taking a major for Politic Sociology or Politic Philosophy, and International Studying’s.
Maybe, I can study in Europe, France, because there is the best place to study Social Science.  But, I really don’t have confirmed what I’m going to do, because I love everything related with Sociology.

The only thing I really don’t want, it’s to work with suit and tie. Please. 
On 18:21 by Unknown   No comments
Hello everyone! Today I’m going to talk about the best concert on my life. This concert was in October 2010, at “Bicentenario de la Florida stadium”. At the show, I had the opportunity to see “The Mars Volta”, “Suicidal Tendencies”, and one of my favourite bands: “Rage Again The Machine”. 

The last band, was the headliner of the concert (“Rage Again The Machine”), this band play metal music, and their letters are about politic themes, focusing in criticize the capitalist system, from a marxist -anarchist- view. The concert was a special occasion because this band was separated about a few years.
The atmosphere during the event was unique, because a lot of reasons. First of all, the tickets were very expensive, and that make a lot of people try in a violent way, to come in to the stadium without their tickets. That make a real riot, and the Chilean Cops went.
I felt really good, because at the moment to come in to the stadium, I had a ticket to view the concert from “galerĂ­a”, but I finish in “cancha vip”. With that, I save a lot of money, and it was great.

When they play one of the best songs, before this, they put on the back, the international song for workers. 

Friday 3 October 2014

On 13:10 by Unknown   3 comments
Hello, today will speak it about the dog that lives in my house. His name is Jimmy.
The Jimmy is a dog breed “coker”, but I think that that doesn't matter much (not much matter the race). He lives in my house since I have about 10 years. Much of my life is marked by its presence; in a sense is a great friend.

In the mornings when I wake up I give food and their dog biscuits. It has a couple of toys that are commonly lost and appear from nowhere. When I was young I played with it in the afternoons (especially with a soccer ball which had), but now that I am older I think that because of my responsibilities already I do not agree much with him.

Lately I have come to question whether it is right to live with my family in the way it does. He does not have the freedom to leave the House whenever you want, my parents would not let him go outside so it only lives in a limited sector.  For this reason, and added also that makes fell a few weeks in prison and I'm with night arrest, I felt guilty for having it so long locked in the House. Now I try to out to the street when I go out to walk in the afternoons. I must say that it is nice to see him every day arriving at the House after the University routine. Bye!

Friday 29 August 2014

On 13:57 by Unknown   5 comments
Hello, today to talk about a series of anime (Japanese animation) that I'm seeing. It is the “Full Metal Alchemist” series.

The series is about the story of two brothers who practice Alchemy, an ancient forgotten science which in the universe of the series is one of the powers that moves the world. Alchemy is based on the principle of equivalent exchange, on which to perform a transmutation (or change something) must deliver something of equal value.

The brothers (Ed and Al) are trying to revive his mother. This made it breaking with one of the taboo of the Alchemy that is human transmutation. The process failure and the brothers lost parts of his body (Ed a leg and an arm, and Al your entire body). Ed then lose part of their limbs through another transmutation, you try to recover the body of his brother, but it merely brings back his soul stamp a suit of armor. 

Then the plot of the story revolves around the journey who undertake these two brother to retrieve their bodies for which decide to search for the legendary philosopher's stone.

I'm seeing the second version that came out of this series (in which changes the story with respect to the first).  Missing me around 15 chapters, I hope to finish seeing it until the university tests begin.

Friday 22 August 2014

On 14:25 by Unknown   6 comments
Hello people! Today I talk about country I'd like to visit. This country is North Korea.

I intend to choosethis country for travel because I find it too interesting. In this country there is a regime of Communist character, which is nowadays considered as totalitarian. It functions as an autarky and practically has no contact with other countries. I am interested in knowing the because of the legitimacy that this type of government has in the country and remains under the control of the state as the private life of all its inhabitants.
Inside the little information that is handled about this country, you know that only have relations with China, and that its inhabitants considered as almost a deity to former leader Kim Jong-il and also for its current leader Kim jong-un. In addition to maintain a constant conflict with its neighboring country (or brother) South Korea. 

I'd like to go to this country after having graduated from my career. In the best of the possibilities to study this country and especially the application of censorship that constantly perform their in habitants
