Sunday 12 October 2014

On 18:21 by Unknown   No comments
Hello everyone! Today I’m going to talk about the best concert on my life. This concert was in October 2010, at “Bicentenario de la Florida stadium”. At the show, I had the opportunity to see “The Mars Volta”, “Suicidal Tendencies”, and one of my favourite bands: “Rage Again The Machine”. 

The last band, was the headliner of the concert (“Rage Again The Machine”), this band play metal music, and their letters are about politic themes, focusing in criticize the capitalist system, from a marxist -anarchist- view. The concert was a special occasion because this band was separated about a few years.
The atmosphere during the event was unique, because a lot of reasons. First of all, the tickets were very expensive, and that make a lot of people try in a violent way, to come in to the stadium without their tickets. That make a real riot, and the Chilean Cops went.
I felt really good, because at the moment to come in to the stadium, I had a ticket to view the concert from “galería”, but I finish in “cancha vip”. With that, I save a lot of money, and it was great.

When they play one of the best songs, before this, they put on the back, the international song for workers. 


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